Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day Three, June 13, 2011

God sure was working today! All the walls are up in the house and VBS went off well. Even Davi's running accident is on the mend.
Mike, Davi and I went to see where Mama Sophie is currently living. It is a small 6x 8 room (at best it is that large) made from mud and sticks. The bottom is eroded away and they have put up a couple of lean-tos to provide more space. I had all I could do not to cry when I met Mama Sophie's daughter and granddaughter at their current home. The baby is so small, just months old, and is at risk in this home. We take so much for granted in the U.S.

The two groups have merged well and Marisa did her parents proud when she lead our devotion this morning. She is a brave young woman, just 15. She came to Haiti, lead a devotion to a group of adults and keeps on going despite bug bites, heat and lack of running water.
Bobbie and Lovee shared their personal story with us tonight. It was too wonderful. They could have slid through life carrying on with the family business, but chose to risk it all for God to start an orphange.

I enjoyed teaching in VBS today and the lessons are speaking to my heart probably more than they are to the children. I thank God for Lucia and his interpretation skills. He mimicks my intonation, hand motions and every once in a while gets caught up in the Spirit and starts to preach to the children himself!

I saw a Haitian pig today. It is a cross between the indiginous species and the American pig.
Not sure if I am just in Haitian overload or too tired from lack of sleep or what, but I can barely journal this evening. I am not getting any solid sleep, too much noise in the neighborhood and about the time it stops, a couple of hours later, the roosters start crowing. I get overwhelmed with sadness when I view the conditions most people have to live in this town. So much poverty and unsanitary conditions. I saw some outdoor toilets today that are nothing more than an hole in the ground, no vents, no door or sides to speak of, and no privacy. The public bathing area outside the house I am staying in is nothing more than an irrigation ditch/sewer. They are prevalent in all parts of this country for open bathing, washing of clothes and dumping of dirty water.
A joy experienced early this morning before VBS was catching the boys working on the puzzles. On Sunday, Roger and Davi were showing the kids how to work puzzles. They kept stealing pieces and hiding them. It was frustrating. And yet this morning, they were sharing their pieces and working at putting the puzzles together. What a God thing!

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